Tassie Smiles Dental
Dentists use an autoclave as part of a reprocessing protocol in order to sterilise instruments. An autoclave uses steam under pressure to achieve a rapid high heat sterilisation of instruments. The success of each sterilisation cycle is monitored using various indicators and recorded.
Dentists use a lot of equipment and instruments that can be sterilised. Those instruments that cannot be processed are disposed of and new items used on each patient. At Tassie Smiles Dental we take infection control very seriously and constantly monitor any new recommendations.
Standard precautions such as protective gloves, masks and protective eyewear have now all become routine protocol in modern dentistry.
Dentists use a lot of equipment and instruments that can be sterilised. Those instruments that cannot be processed are disposed of and new items used on each patient. At Tassie Smiles Dental we take infection control very seriously and constantly monitor any new recommendations.
Standard precautions such as protective gloves, masks and protective eyewear have now all become routine protocol in modern dentistry.